Michelle Behr has been shooting with revolog films on a regular basis the past years. She’s extremely skilled in capturing the perfect moment, which comes in handy as she is also working as a wedding photographer. In a project called the Hope Card series, she’s raising awareness for teenager with mental health issues. If you want to know more about it, be sure to read on.
Where are you from, how old are you?
I was born in Vancouver and currently reside in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. I am 36 years young and celebrating this amazing life.
Would you care to tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be a photographer?
I started shooting fashion and dress-up weddings when I was about 6 years old, and always searched for my speciality as an artist until my creative self fell in love with photography. My first year shooting digital developing as a pro I photographed only black and white to better understand light and shadow. My background in therapeutic photography and my Masters degree in Psychology inspire my work.
Do you professionally work as a photographer?
I work as a full time photographer and I love it. My work is always on my mind, and producing art is my passion. I’m so much more of a creator than a consumer and I love this life I created. I couldn’t be happier than when I’m blending art while designing an ambitious self employed career.
Why do you like to take analog pictures? Do you shoot digital as well?
My passion for analog was born of the pressured perfection that digital life brings. I love photography as an art for exploring the soul, and I appreciate the deep creativity of digital editing, but my heart belongs to analog too. I do both, and have a different appreciation for each. Shooting analog eases my heart in a way that only natural life can.
Do you have a favorite subject to photograph? If so, why?
I’m currently loving inanimate inspirations, portrait work, and the romance of wedding photography. Creating the Hope Card series is a great passion at this moment, followed closely by wedding photography and intimate portraiture. I seek out anything that brings light and love to my life, and to other people. I am creatively inspired by capturing light in the face of darkness.

What’s your favourite analog camera?
My favourite film camera is the Canon AE-1. I could use some new lenses to upgrade her. I’d love to experiment with some new cameras too, it’s always fun to play.
Do you have a favourite revolog film?
My favourite film is Tesla 1; it’s empowering. I use photography as art therapy and there’s nothing like throwing lightning to express your feelings. I adore the experience of shooting this film and its powerful co-creation with different people and their energies.
Do you have a favourite photograph (revolog or not) that you would like to share with us and tell us more about it?
I have a special place in my heart for my split-frame rollercoaster photo from Santa Monica pier, my first Hope Card. I lost my favourite film camera at a breakfast restaurant in Los Angeles, and they helped me to find it and returned the film and my camera to Canada. The lost and found experience inspired me to love my art even more.

Any advice for other aspiring photographers?
Don’t let perfectionism hold you back; share your work even if you think it’s not good enough. I’ve held back a lot for fearing of being judged or rejected and I’m learning to keep creating and sharing, even and especially if it pushes me to try harder and keep learning.
Do you have any (future) projects you’d like to talk about?
I’d like to continue promoting the Hope Card Series in support of mental health care services for teenagrs at Foundry, a local integrative centre for youth aged 12-24. Each of the postcards were created from a need to provide Hope when life gets hard. I create art to provide inspiration for healing for myself and for others.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Michelle!
Follow Michelle’s work on her website, instagram and be sure to check out the Hope card series project.
Featured products: Rasp – Volvox – Lazer – Streak – Streak BW – Texture – Tesla 1 – Tesla 2 – Kosmos – Plexus – 600nm – Kolor