We’d like to introduce you to the wonderful work of photographer Natalie Yang, who was so kind to answer the questions for our artist feature.
Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be a photographer?
I grew up on the California coast and spent my child hood surrounded by trees and the Pacific ocean. I began shooting when I was around sixteen years old, but it wasn’t until I spent a few days in the desert at age nineteen that I realized photography was my greatest love.
Do you professionally work as a photographer?
Why do you like to take analog pictures? Do you shoot digital as well?
The entire experience of taking a photograph is different when you shoot analogue. I like taking analogue photos because there is an element of surprise. Looking at a roll of film that has just been developed is one of the most cherished feelings I know.
Do you have a favorite subject to photograph? If so, why?
My favorite subjects to shoot are my loved ones because there is an established trust between us. There is a pre existing comfort and relationship outside of the photograph. In this context, the photograph serves more to document rather than to create. My work is the most honest when I am shooting the people I am close with.
What’s your favorite analog camera?
My olympus point and shoot. It’s simple and easy to carry with me when I’m running around 🙂
Do you have a favorite revolog film?
Kolor !!!
Any advice for other photographers?
Make work of things you care about. Shoot for yourself and shoot often, but I think it is also good to take breaks sometimes.
Do you have any future projects you’d like to talk about?
I am working on a zine that is set to be published this summer and I have working on a series of underwater portraits.